
We will gladly help you and advise you, we will respond to every inquiry!

    Contact form


    ul. Puławska 303,
    02-785 Warsaw, Poland


    Chorzów regional office:

    ul. Kurta Aldera 44
    41-506 Chorzów, Poland


    IFMPL is a Polish company with local management, the HQ is located in Warsaw, and our services are aimed at property owners and managers across all Poland.




    KRS (court register) no.: 0000485253
    NIP (tax id.) no.: 5252571147
    REGON (statistical) no.: 146961396


    Company capital: 300 000 PLN


    Office hours:

    Mon-Fr: 8:00 – 16:00


    Customer service help desk 24/7

    Tel. +48 697 600 601

    Paweł Rozpończyk

    Paweł Rozpończyk

    Deputy Chairman of the Board